Hey, i'm Irene AMEDJI

ngular Developer and social media manager.

I create website for you, your company or your business and i manage your visibility throught social medias !

Contact me
My photo

About me

About me


I'm Irene

A curious, motivated, punctual, and quick-witted girl, who does her best to improve in her activities and be better than yesterday.

My devise : "I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me" philippians 4:13

Nickname : Kaizen (continuous improvment)



Education & Skills

Below, I list my educational background, training, skills, certifications and some awards.

  • Apr.2024- jan.2025

    Data science program - Africa TechUp Tour

  • oct.2021-sept.2024

    Graduation in Computer science - Polytechnic Institute Defitech

  • oct.2018-aug.2021

    Undergraduation in scientific course - Moderne College of Adidogome

  • CSS
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Angular
  • SpringBoot
  • Figma

  • July 2024

    Foundation of project management - Google (Coursera)

  • June 2024

    Build dynamic user interface (UI) for website - Google (Coursera)

  • June 2024

    Internet governance - Internet society

  • April 2024

    Introduction to programming, Using Github Copilot, code with Javascript certification - Microsoft learn

  • Auguest 2023

    Marketing Digital certification - Virtual Univerity of Senegal

  • September 2023

    TDev Festival Volunteer certification - TDev

  • April 2023

    3rd place at the 11th Annual NYUAD International Hackathon for Social Good focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing at Abu Dhabi (UAE) - NYUAD/ QWorld

  • July 2022

    Basic JavaScript, Bootstrap, Basic Python certification - Udemy

  • April 2024 - Present

    Social media management - Oozons Community

  • April 2024 - Present

    Front-end developer - Linkedin Local Togo's website

  • January 2024

    Event hostess - Friend of Figma's Africa Product Keynot

  • December 2023

    Event hostess and organizer - Google Developer Group's DevFest

  • November 2023

    Event hostess and organizer - Google Developer Student Club's DevFest

  • Oct. 2023 - Present

    Social media management - Young of GOD

  • Auguest 2023

    Event hostess - TDev Festival

  • Auguest 2023 - Present

    Social media management - GDSC Defitech

  • Auguest 2023 - Present

    Social media management - Night Coding

Work & experience

Software engineer

full time
june 2024 - Present


Social media management

janv. 2024 - Present


Information Technology

march 2023 - Present

Angular developer intern.

Information Technology

july 2023 - Present

Project manager, Social media manager, front-end developer & designer.

Information Technology

full time
sept. 2023 - nov. 2023

Angular & SpringBoot developer intern.



What I provide

  • Web site

    Learn more

    Web site

    How do I do it?

    • My specialization being the frontend, I design personal and showcase websites for personal and corporate entities;
    • I have collaborated and continue to collaborate on dynamic or complex web design projects by being involved in frontend development;
    • I mentor some in their beginnings in frontend web development, helping them with mistakes they can't manage and following their learning curve;
    • I continue to learn about the subject to become better, it never ends.
  • Social media management

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    Social media management

    How do I do it ?

    • I have been and still am a volunteer in social media management for moral entities;
    • I have mentored and still mentor some people in the management of social networks and I give them some tips on how to do it well;
    • I continue to learn on the subject to become better, it never ends.
  • Project management

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    Project management

    How do I do it ?

    • The projects I have had to manage and still manage are the design of sites, whether dynamic or showcases (large) by a group of people for entities;
    • I've been among the organizers of events and programs;
    • That's where I cultivated team spirit and leadership;
    • I continue to learn on the subject to become better, it never ends.
  • UI/UX Design

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    UI/UX Design

    How do I do it ?

    • I had to manage and am managing mini projects in order to sharpen my skills while waiting for my certification as a project manager by Google;
    • I design models for the creation of web or mobile applications;
    • I have participated and still participate in web and mobile application creation projects, collaborating with other designers to create mock-ups;
    • I continue to learn on the subject to become better, it never ends.

Recent websites

Recent websites

Below are some of the personal websites I've designed. Unfortunately, I can't display some of them.

My portfolio

My portfolio

Used technologies/libraries/framework : : HTML, CSS, Javascript, Remixicons, swiper CSS, Google fonts.

View here

Eddie's portfolio

Eddie's portfolio

Used technologies/libraries/framework : HTML, CSS, Javascript, Remixicons, Google fonts.

View here

Defitech's website

Defitech's website

Used technologies/libraries/framework : HTML, CSS, Javascript, Remixicons, swiper CSS, Google fonts.

View here

Train ticket

Train ticket

Used technologies/libraries/framework : Angular, Remixicons, Google fonts.

View here

Chocolove website

Chocolove website

Used technologies/libraries/framework : HTML, CSS, Javascript, Remixicons, scrollreveal, Google fonts.

View here

Haniel's website

Haniel's website

Used technologies/libraries/framework :Bootstrap.

View here

You don't need obligatory my CV right now

But you can write me directly and

We can discuss.

Contact me
Contact me

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